الثلاثاء، يوليو 24، 2012

كوريا الجنوبية: لا تندهي ما في حدا ... براءة

بعد ان كانت ايران من اهم زبائن كوريا الجنوبية في مجال ناقلات النفط، حيث تمتلك ايران اسطولا كبيرا من ناقلات النفط التي اشترتها من كوريا الجنوبية والصين. لعبت الحسابات السياسية التبعية دورها وانزلق شعب الهان الى المكان المؤذي لهم كرمى لعيون الاميركي.
شركة سدرا الايرانية بنت لحساب فنزويلا اول ناقلة نفط من نوع افراماكس القادرة على نقل 113 الف طن من النفط. وهذه الناقلة التي يبلغ طولها 250 مترا وعرضها 44 مترا وزنتها 21 الف طن. هي الاولى التي تبنيها ايران بهذا الحجم. وقد انزلت الى الماء في بوشهر في جنوب ايران. وطلبت فنزويلا من ايران بناء اربع ناقلات نفط عملاقة بمبلغ اجمالي يبلغ 230 مليون يورو.
وشركة سدرا مستهدفة مباشرة بالعقوبات الاميركية على طهران. وايران هي اول بلد في المنطقة يبني ناقلات نفط.

اعمل ك... واحلم  او اضحك مع الكوري الجنسية بان كي مون  صاحب كتاب أعمل كغبي وأحلم كعبقري. (امين عام الامم المتحدة  كي مون الذي تم التجديد له لولاية ثانية بالتزكية لا يريد او لا يمكنه الاحتفاظ بسر، وهو سر نجاح فوزه بالتزكية لولاية ثانية. مفتاح هذا النجاح انه كان محامي كل الدول القوية ضد الشعوب الفقيرة بمن فيهم فقراء شبه الجزيرة الكورية بشطرييها الجنوبي قبل الشمالي. تبنيه ودفاعه عن كل السياسات الظالمة لا سيما الاميركية جعله المرشح الامثل والوحيد.)

I really hate Korea. It is the most superficial, mindless country on the planet. Most of them have a huge inferiority complex and would sell their soul(if they had one) to bring any glory to Korea. Racist? Yes, more so than any other newly industrialized or industrialized nation. When Koreans move to another country such as Canada or America, they often hold on to their stinging hatred of all things non-korean. Learn their language, study the culture and you'll find all their dirty secrets come to light. You like to beat your wife? Or drink yourself into a coma daily at your local whorehouse? Don't worry it's commonplace here. Are you willing to cheat or lie to save some face? Good, you'll fit right in. A Korean family is a business. Make us look good for the community kiddies, the parents shout. Education? It's a joke in Korea. Free-thinking? You're not going to find it here. Friendly people? No, for the most part, stoned-face robots who love to talk behind each others backs. The Korean ideal is to show no emotion - someone needs to remind them that we are all humans. It's truly a sick society.

Koreans are rude and impotent and they think that they are better than everyone else. Understand that their language came to be because the people were so stupid and couldn't learn chinese, so they made an even easier language (no, I'm not chinese). I don't want to talk about looks because that shouldn't be the basis of an opinion. It's through my understanding, and years of experience with too many koreans that I have come to the conclusion that they are arrogant and deserve to be mistreated. The LA riots would be an example. The koreans wouldn't allow blacks to come into stores because they felt that the blacks were "dirty". How stupid is that? I say that China takes over korea or just nuke them. It's sad. Oh yeah, their language is really ugly too. I have to say that. Kinda sounds like a dying chipmunk trying to say it's last words. The written language is kinda dumb too. What's with all those circles?

I am Korean also but Koreans are overbearing with pride. Yes, I kind of hate my own people because they think they are better than everyone else and many other reason. Because of them, Korean American like myself are getting mistreat because of their stupidity. They might be educated but they are so narrow minded. Well About Korean gettting a new language, they did that because they dislike chinese languages and the people. USA did not divide Korea but the Korean did it themselves. Korea has been divided for 5000 years and still divided. I must admit that most but not all Koreans suck. Note that not all. I think korean and their society is just a big thick shell with nothing inside. All they care about is how and what other people think of them. What they really are does not matter. Talk about superficial, damn people should get a mirror and do some self-reflecting. Sometime, I'm ashame to be called a Korean. What a shame.

الأربعاء، يوليو 04، 2012

انا وال كيه بي اس KBS

seoul panorama  2012-07-04

korean airline videos on youtube

(meal on korean air)
and litle more about korean air:


have a look to know  what that mean heavy rain in korea

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